gemstone healing properties

Above our heads sparkle mineral clusters that we call stars. Below our feet lie an unimaginable abundance of glittering crystals and minerals in the earth. Light + Grace’s gemstones help connect our conscious thoughts with our heart, body and soul to the earth and the heavens. We can choose, combine and amplify the power of our crystals with a specific intention for transformation or simply trust and tap into their unique healing properties, allowing them to work their beautiful magic to harmonize and heal our mind, body and spirit.


love | wealth | protection | security | eliminates negativity | protection | harmonizes mind + spirit | appreciation of nature | abundance | nurturing


truth | soothing | self-love | clairvoyance | communication | manifestation | eloquence | integrity | harmony


peace | uplifting | protection | purification | divine connection | release of addictions | clarity

angel aura quartz

light | harmony | upliftment | peace | serenity | awareness


peace | intellect | relaxation | revitalization | unconditional love | communication | good health | abundance | new hope


calm | growth | creativity | imagination | career success | confidence | well-being | prosperity | balance | vitality

aqua aura quartz

calm | protection | clear communication | reduction/elimination of anger | processing of trauma & grief | telepathy


clarity | courage | divine femininity | reduces stress | compassion | counters physical infection | empowerment

black tourmaline

grounding | release of anxiety | protection | purification | release of obsessive behaviors | release of chronic worry


success | direction | creativity | prosperity | perseverance | physical stamina | mental clarity | manifestation | personal will


serenity | centering | inner truth | clears infections | angelic communication | access to higher dimensions | sleep aid

clear quartz

master healer | memory enhancing | stimulates nervous system | opens chakras | supports immune system | regulates energy


love | clarity | intuition | illumination | abundance | prosperity | harmony


clarity | stimulating | mental enhancement | improved decision making | clearing of energy fields | life purpose | balancing


creativity | manifestation | emotional healing | spiritual growth | self-worth | attraction | sexuality

green tourmaline

strength | self-confidence | emotional healing | family relationships | life purpose | wholeness | serenity vitality | truth

green calcite

renew | relaxation | emotional balance | releases resentment | heart connection | release | vitality


focus | courage | strength | fortitude | grounding | manifestation | confidence | protection | willpower stability | balance


trust | clarity | positivity | inner vision | spiritual connection | creative expression | self-confidence | inner strength | solutions


vitality | healing | integrity | relaxation | compassion | emotional balance | physical strength | contentment | tranquility


loyalty | growth | empathy | positivity | altered states | psychic ability | vivid dreams | visualization | meditation


prosperity | protection | stone of magic | bringer of light | higher awareness | raises consciousness | intuition | calms mind

lapis lazuli

love | power | highest self | self-confidence | honest communication | manifestation | purification | inner truth | intuition


vitality | physicality | earthly spirituality | energetic balancing | empowerment | self-direction | goal setting | grounding


insight | surrender | self-discovery | feminine energy | empathy | new beginnings | stabilizes emotions | abundance


faith | truth | focus | meditative | loyalty

petrified wood

patience | strong body | steady growth | physical healing | past-life recall | inner peace | evolution

pink tourmaline

love | surrender | emotional healing | emotional balance | heart soothing | heart healing


focus | creativity | protection | manifestation | mental clarity | self-confidence | increases vitality | willpower | action

rose quartz

love | gentleness | release of stress & fear | clears ego-driven patterns | emotional healing | stabilizing

rutilated quartz

protection | antidepressant | releases the past | facilitates transitions | supports decision making | forgiveness | self-control


wisdom | inspiration | empowerment | emotional healing | self-confidence | awareness | discipline


spiritual activation | communion with guides + angels | clears stagnant energy | absorbs electromagnetic frequencies (EMF)

smokey quartz

serenity | intuition | positivity | grounding | lifts depression | relieves stress | calms fear | stability | focus


clarity | serenity | intuition | perspective | intelligence | emotional balance | communication | intelligence | perception | logic

solar quartz

uplifting | master healer | emotional strength | protective | spirituality | concentration | unlocks memory


victory | new hope | inspiration | revitalization | re-energizing | zest for life

tangerine quartz

passion | creativity | inspiration | upliftment | inspiration | playfulness | curiosity

tourmalate quartz

grounding | protection | purification | emotional clarity | deflects negativity | physical wellbeing | energy amplifier | cleansing


truth | clarity | wholeness | self-acceptance | self-forgiveness | spiritual expansion | wisdom | health