agate jewelry

love | wealth | protection | security | eliminates negativity | harmonizes mind + spirit | abundance | nurturing


amazonite jewelry

truth | soothing | self-love | clairvoyance | communication | manifestation | eloquence | integrity | harmony


apatite jewelry

peace | intellect | relaxation | revitalization | unconditional love | communication | good health | abundance | new hope


aventurine jewelry

calm | growth | creativity | imagination | career success | confidence | well-being | prosperity | balance | vitality


aquamarine jewelry

clarity | courage | divine femininity | reduces stress | compassion | counters physical infection | empowerment


black tourmaline jewelry

grounding | release of anxiety | protection | purification | release of obsessive behaviors | release of chronic worry


citrine jewelry

success | direction | creativity | prosperity | perseverance | physical stamina | mental clarity | manifestation | personal will


diamond jewelry

love | clarity | intuition | illumination | abundance | prosperity | harmony


flourite jewelry

clarity | stimulating | mental enhancement | improved decision making | clearing of energy fields | life purpose | balancing


green tourmaline jewelry

strength | self-confidence | emotional healing | family relationships | life purpose | wholeness | serenity vitality | truth


hematite jewelry

focus | courage | strength | fortitude | grounding | manifestation | confidence | protection | willpower stability | balance


jasper jewelry

vitality | healing | integrity | relaxation | compassion | emotional balance | physical strength | contentment | tranquility


kyanite jewelry

loyalty | growth | empathy | positivity | altered states | psychic ability | vivid dreams | visualization | meditation


labradorite jewelry

prosperity | protection | stone of magic | bringer of light | higher awareness | raises consciousness | intuition | calms mind


moonstone jewelry

insight | surrender | self-discovery | feminine energy | empathy | new beginnings | stabilizes emotions | abundance


pearl jewelry

faith | truth | focus | meditative | loyalty


pink tourmaline jewelry

love | surrender | emotional healing | emotional balance | heart soothing | heart healing


spinel jewelry

victory | new hope | inspiration | revitalization | re-energizing | zest for life


tourmalated quartz jewelry

grounding | protection | purification | emotional clarity | deflects negativity | physical wellbeing | energy amplifier | cleansing


turquoise jewelry

truth | clarity | wholeness | self-acceptance | self-forgiveness | spiritual expansion | wisdom | health