pisces moon necklace

pisces moon necklace


This mixture of color and gem evokes the variety of hues of the sea. Aquamarine, the stone of courage and tranquility, paired with Moonstone, the stone of mystery, newbeginnings and the Goddess, with just a touch of Labradorite, the stone of magic makes for a full healing experience and piece of jewelry that holds many treasures of Piscean Beauty. 18” adjustable

gemstone healing qualities





stone of courage

divine femininity

reduces stress/quiets mind

relieves responsibility overwhelm

compassionate communication




throat chakra


I embody the yielding, cooling power of water, and I express my truth with calm certainty.





new beginnings

stone of mystery

gem of high priestess

soothes/stabilizes emotions

promotes empathy/intuition

creates abundance

inspires travel

crown chakras

third eye


I call forth the energies of the deep Feminine, and I open myself to the inner gifts of the Goddess.






stone of magic

bringer of light

raises consciousness

synthesizes intellect+intuition

energizes the imagination

calms overactive mind

useful through change

all chakras


I call forth the magic of higher awareness

aquamarine stone of courage

divine femininity, reduces stress/quiets mind, relieves responsibility overwhelm,

compassionate communication, empowerment, cooling, clarity, throat chakra

 I embody the yielding, cooling power of water, and I express my truth with calm certainty.


  labradorite stone of magic

protective, bringer of light, raises consciousness, synthesizes intellect+intuition,

energizes the imagination, calms overactive mind, useful through change, all chakras

I call forth the magic of higher awareness.

moonstone    stone of mystery

gem of high priestess, surrender, new beginnings, soothes/stabilizes emotions, promotes empathy/intuition, creates abundance, inspires travel.

crown chakra and third eye

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